Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I do miss you. Too much.

times can heal anything. times can heal anything. times can heal anything.
but I definitely can't heal myself because I miss you too much.
awkward, feels hollow inside. Something missing and I can bear it all.
please, please.... tell me how you can stand... how you handle all of this.

Too much. Uncountable.
(pic taking random by google)


  1. soo sweet and beautiful :)

  2. anyiiinnnn missss yuuuuu *peluukkkk*

  3. because... he doesn't feel the same with mbak in the first place? *keluar tanduk* *arif jahad*

  4. miss u so much, uyeee....
    sing song.....
    lalala yeyeeye

  5. hari gini, udh gak jamannya rindu rinduan,
    kalo rindu telpon dia donk..
    kalo rindu sms dia donk..
    jgn biarkan rindu itu membuatmu sengsara

  6. hai juga nin, iya nih, saya baru coba2 utk aktif ngeblog lagi, thx doanya, ikutan giveaway juga yuk...


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