Saturday, February 6, 2016

While Stay at Home

I made 1 small box of snack for his night shift working, he smiled. Priceless.
I want to prevent him from hungry but too busy to leave his work for buy himself food.
He BBMed me on his working hours and say : thank you, I love the food. I'm full :)
Snack for night shift, simple breakfast for busy morning. I really made his day, he said.
Anyway I'm happy. Happy to see he loves my food, happy because I realized I do take care of him.



  1. Bekal makanan dari rumah itu lebih terjamin enak dan heginis.

  2. Menjalankan peran istri sungguh membahagiakan ya? :)

  3. Aw aw aw... Manisnyaaaaa...

    Btw, ttg hobby buku... Kebetulan kenal dng pemilik dan kmrn jd penerus sementara ngehost TBRR Pilenya... Hehe

  4. senangnya kak Nin, *meleleh bacanya :3
    semoga berkah ya, jadi keluarga yang sakinah mawadah wa rohman :)

  5. Duh, Mbak Nin... jadi baper pingin cepet lulus dan dipertemukan dengan jodohku :D

  6. Indah sekali rasanya.. :D


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